AKA “liquid gold”. To get the platelet-rich plasma (PRP), we draw a small amount of blood from your body (the arm) and put it through a centrifuge to extract the part of the blood that is rich in platelets and growth factors, known as PRP. The PRP is then injected into the scalp to boost hair growth or face to smoothen the skin and heal conditions like acne scarring.

Platelets in the bloodstream are components that allow blood from a wound to clot and stop the bleeding. After the clot has developed, the enzymes that are contained within these platelets are released. Stem cells are drawn into the area to facilitate tissue regeneration and repair the damage to the area. These stem cells are key in creating new collagen and elastin that provide more youthful looking skin and hair regrowth.

PRP for face

A growing number of clients receive PRP for face treatment at a younger age to maintain their appearance before the effects of wrinkles and sun damage start to set in and pile up over the years. Microneedling with PRP is beneficial to treat existing conditions such as hyperpigmentation and acne scarring and prevent the onset of wrinkles.

Common face treatments:

  • Fewer fine lines and wrinkles
  • Smoother, tighter skin
  • More even skin tone and texture
  • Increased collagen production
  • Fading of acne scars or dark age spots
  • Reduction in sun damage
  • Firming of sagging, loosened skin
  • Stimulated hair growth in areas of thinning or balding
  • Sun damage
  • Even skin tone/complexion
  • Hollowness & loss of volume
  • Under eye darkness and nasolabial fold wrinkles

PRP for hair restoration

PRP usually requires less than an hour and downtime is minimal. The treatment results are reliable and natural in the least invasive way. The treatment, if completed as recommended, can produce great results as a stand-alone treatment without need for botox and fillers, but can also be used optimally in conjunction with other treatments. It is important for clients to understand results can be slow and gradual. Generally, if completed as directed by our team, results will begin after the first two or three months and most noticeable around the six-month mark.

Who is a candidate for PRP hair restoration?

Hair loss can occur in both men and women and this treatment is meant for all genders. PRP is equally effective to treat and counteract hair loss in all genders. The best candidates for a PRP treatment are clients who have mild to moderate hair loss who want to regain confidence in their look.

How does PRP help restoration of hair?

If hair follicles or hair roots are healthy the growth of the hair is healthy. Hair follicles survive on nutrition from blood supply. If we introduce fresh platelets by administering platelet rich plasma (PRP) in the area of damaged hair follicles it amplifies the body’s naturally occurring wound healing and growth process.

PRP works by stimulating inactive hair follicles into an active growth phase. Platelets contain specific growth factors that when “activated” promote tissue regeneration and healing. These growth factors may help hair grow or slow hair loss.

PRP treatment effects on the hair growth cycle

An estimated 100,000 hair follicles exist on each healthy scalp with each follicle growing around 20 hairs within a person’s lifetime. The hair growth cycle consists of three stages. The first stage is the anagen or growth stage which typically lasts for two to six years. During this phase, hair is actively growing and the follicle root is nourished by your blood.

The second stage is the catagen or transitional stage which occurs after the period of growth. The stage only lasts for a few weeks during which time the hair follicle detaches from its blood supply and begins to shed. Your body sends a signal that prompts this process.

The third and final stage of hair growth is the telogen or resting stage. In this phase, hair finally sheds and the follicle becomes dormant. This occurs at the end of each growth cycle and lasts for two to three months. Hair follicles will continue to rest until the next anagen phase begins. It is completely normal for hair to shed in the telogen stage. It is not abnormal for your hair to shed first after the PRP treatment and then come back thicker.

Each hair growth cycle can last anywhere between four to six years. PRP treatments lengthen the active growth stage of the hair cycle. During this time the growth factors repair not just the underlying blood vessels in the scalp, but the hair follicle structures as well. A longer growth stage allows more hair to grow allowing for thicker and denser coverage. This increase in hair growth reduces the appearance of thinning hair when the shedding portion of the cycle rolls around helping to keep the signs of hair loss at bay.

How long will my PRP treatment results last?

For maximum results, it is recommended to have 3 to 4 treatments spaced out 1 month apart. The skin then has enough time to heal between treatments while allowing enough PRP to get absorbed by the skin which ensures longevity with results.

The results of PRP can last anywhere from six months to one year. The longevity of the outcome will depend on several factors including health, daily skincare, sun exposure, and age. Older clients typically see lasting results for several months and require maintenance yearly or sooner. This is because ongoing decline in collagen and elastin occurs with aging and alters the effects of PRP results. Notably, extensive and consistent sun exposure impacts PRP results by causing damage to the skin. To maintain your outcome, it is recommended practice proper skincare and wear sunscreen when exposed to the sun.

Once your PRP results have completely diminished and you no longer see the beneficial effects of this treatment, you can return to have a follow-up appointment and PRP treatment repeated. Many clients seek maintenance PRP sessions one to two times per year to maintain their results.

What are the side effects of PRP injections?

PRP treatment of the face, neck, or hair restoration is considered to be a low-risk treatment with very few side effects. Most clients do not experience any adverse effects from PRP treatment but a little soreness to the scalp and face immediately after due to the use of fine needles. Rare complications can include bleeding at the injection site, tissue damage, infection, or nerve injuries.

Are PRP injections painful?

Pain tolerance varies from client to client but PRP is not regarded as a highly painful procedure. PRP treatment involves both a blood draw and an injection procedure which means it may be uncomfortable for clients who have difficulty with needles. Our team can apply a topical numbing agent to the skin prior to administering PRP injections to help you stay comfortable.